Senegal: BSC Cargo Tracking Note

Senegal, a significant part of West Africa, is known for its bustling shipping and marine traffic, which is extensive compared to other African countries.
The Cargo Tracking Note is an integral part of Senegal’s Port Authority process and customs clearance. This system is referred to as BSC and BESC.
We explain what these abbreviations mean:
- BSC stands for Bordereau de Suivi de Cargaison
- BESC stands for Bordereau Électronique de Suivi de Cargaison
For more details about BSC and BESC Certificates, you can find answers in our article on What is CTN?
Why Would You Need to Obtain a Senegal BSC Certificate?
The BSC Certificate for Senegal is mandatory, as decreed by the Port Authority of Senegal.
What is the BSC Cost for Senegal?
The cost of certification depends on your goods. Containers of 20 TEU or 40 TEU significantly influence the cost.
The shipper is responsible for all costs associated with the issuance of the BSC.
Inspection of Pre-Shipment
Senegal requires a Pre-Shipment Inspection (PSI) – Déclaration Préalable d’Importation (DPI) – for all imports into the country. This inspection, conducted in the country of origin, is for the purpose of customs clearance of the goods.
PSI is managed by Cotecna Inspection S.A and Modelsis Senegal SARL.
Which Documents Are Really Necessary for the Senegal BSC Certificate?
- Final invoice showing FOB value, freight and ancillary charges, as well as any advance payment (if applicable).
For Importers:
- DPI (Déclaration Provisoire d’Importation) issued for all shipments with a total FOB value between XOF 1,000,000 and XOF 2,999,999.
- A.V. (Attestation de Vérification) required for all shipments with a total FOB value exceeding XOF 3,000,000. This necessitates goods inspection at the port of loading by the Cotecna office, which may be physical and/or documentary, depending on Cotecna’s sole decision. Required for all FCL containers with a total value exceeding XOF 3,000,000. Documents required: Commercial invoice, Bill of lading, Packing list.
- ARA (Avis de Refus d’Attestation) issued for inconsistencies, including quantity, eligibility, and/or quality.
Exempted Items from the PSI Process
- Shipments with a FOB value under XOF 3,000,000
- Gold, precious stones, art objects
- Used personal and household effects
- Explosives and pyrotechnic products
- Live animals
- Meat, fish, perishable vegetables, and fruits (excluding frozen or deep-frozen items), including chicken
- Plants and flowers
- Cinematographic films
- Newspapers and periodicals, postal and fiscal stamps, stamped paper, banknotes, checkbooks
- Postal parcels and samples
- Commercial samples
- Donations to the government, public administrations, and NGOs
- Imports by export-free zone companies or assimilated
- Goods imported by certain importers with a special exemption authorization from the government (check with Liaison Office)
Prohibited Items for Senegal
- Carrots: Importation banned since 02/01/2016.
- Onion import ban lifted as of 25/08/14. [Previously, to promote local onion production, the Senegalese government temporarily banned onion imports from 10/02/13 to 31/08/13.]
- Drugs and narcotics
- Weapons and war ammunition, except for collector’s items
- Pornographic publications
To combat a potential bird flu pandemic, the import of goods under HS chapter code 02.07 is prohibited.
- As of 1st March 2011, filament lamps are banned, with specific HS codes listed for prohibition and exemptions.
Restricted Imports
- Tomato paste
- Meat and poultry products: must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate, including a Dioxin-Free Certificate.
Need a BSC Certificate?
Looking for a BSC Certificate for Senegal? We provide BESC and BSC Certificates within 2 days. Avoid the hassle of 1-week delivery promises. Contact us for more details.
NOTE: Senegal customs operates a single window system, meaning import and export declarations are made on the same platform. The certificate we issue on your behalf and the declaration we make are matched with the Orbus declaration made by your importer.