Equatorial Guinea ECTN

Equatorial Guinea ECTN

Equatorial Guinea, located on the west coast of Central Africa, mandates the use of the Electronic Cargo Tracking Note (ECTN), also known in some contexts as the Bordereau de Suivi des Cargaisons (BSC), for all shipments entering or leaving the country. This requirement is part of the nation’s efforts to enhance the management and oversight of international trade through its ports.

What is the Equatorial Guinea ECTN?

The ECTN for Equatorial Guinea is a compulsory electronic document that serves as a pre-shipment verification tool for all cargo. It is designed to provide the Equatorial Guinea Customs Authority with detailed information about the cargo prior to its arrival or departure, thereby facilitating smoother and more efficient customs clearance processes.

Is the ECTN Required for Equatorial Guinea?

Yes, the ECTN is mandatory for all cargo shipments to and from Equatorial Guinea. Its primary purpose is to streamline the customs clearance process, improve security by monitoring cargo movements, and ensure compliance with national and international trade regulations.

How to Obtain an Equatorial Guinea ECTN Certificate?

To secure an ECTN certificate for shipments headed to or from Equatorial Guinea, shippers should follow these steps:

  1. Prepare Required Documents: Collect all necessary shipping documents, such as the Bill of Lading, Commercial Invoice, and Packing List.
  2. Application Submission: Submit an application for the ECTN through authorized agents or directly through the designated online platform managed by the Equatorial Guinea Customs Authority.
  3. Verification Process: Your documents will be reviewed for accuracy and completeness. Upon successful verification, an ECTN certificate will be issued.

Required Documents for the Equatorial Guinea ECTN

The application for an ECTN certificate typically necessitates the following documents:

  1. Bill of Lading
  2. Commercial Invoice
  3. Freight Invoice
  4. Export Customs Declaration

The Significance of the ECTN for Shipments to Equatorial Guinea

The implementation of the ECTN brings several advantages:

  • Enhanced Customs Efficiency: By providing pre-shipment information, the ECTN facilitates faster customs clearance.
  • Increased Security: It allows for better monitoring and tracking of cargo, enhancing overall security measures.
  • Regulatory Adherence: Ensures shipments comply with Equatorial Guinea’s import and export regulations, avoiding potential delays and penalties.

Ensuring Compliance with Equatorial Guinea’s ECTN Requirements

It’s advisable for shippers to work with knowledgeable freight forwarders or authorized issuance agents familiar with Equatorial Guinea’s shipping regulations. Proper and timely submission of required documentation is crucial to ensure smooth customs clearance.


The ECTN is an essential component of Equatorial Guinea’s strategy to optimize its trade processes. Compliance with ECTN requirements not only facilitates smoother customs operations but also contributes to the integrity and security of international trade activities involving Equatorial Guinea.

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